
上周四(4月30日),海淀检察院承办检察官以面谈的方式通知潘海霞:同意其以律师身份担任郭玉闪的辩护人,并已将决定告知海淀看守所。今日(5月4日)上午,潘海霞律师顺利完成了第一次会见。 郭玉闪请律师转达他对传知行的研究项目合作方的歉意,希望案件不会影响他们的正常工作。 上周四(4月30日),四位律师均基本完成了阅卷工作。同日,李金星和袭祥栋律师向检察院递交了何正军的取保候审申请。 上周一(4月27日),传知行的数位研究员发表了“致北京市海淀区检察院公开信”,对起诉意见书表达了他们的意见,希望海淀区检察院对郭、何二人作出不予起诉的决定,并提请北京市检察院对侦查机关在传知行案中的违法行为启动调查。

Guo Yushan’s wife, lawyer Pan Haixia, is approved to be defending lawyer of Guo Yushan First published on May 4, in Chinese. From Pan Haixia’s Weibo. Last Thursday, April 30, prosecutor of Haidian District Procuratorate in charge the case notified Ms. Pan Haixia by an interview that she had already been approved to be defending lawyer of Guo Yushan, her husband, and this decision had been delivered to Detention Center of Haidian District. This Morning, May 4, lawyer Pan Haixia met Mr. Guo Yushan the first time successfully. Mr. Guo Yushan asked his lawyer to bring his apologies to cooperators of TI program cooperators, and sincerely hope the case will not disturb them too much. By last Thursday, April 30, 4 lawyers of the TI case, had completed consulting the case files. At he same time, lawyer Li Jinxing and Xi Xiangdong, advocates of He Zhengjun, submitted a paper to the Procuratorate asking for release on bail of He Zhengjun immediately. And last Monday, April 27, several ever researchers of TI expressed their opinions by publishing an Open Letter over TI Case to Haidian District Procuratorate. In the Letter they urged the Procuratorate to reject the case as well as propose the Beijing Municipal Procuratorate to launch an investigation on violation of laws of police authority in TI case.

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